Stray dogs could be simply defined as unconfined dogs that virtually live anywhere. Recent studies have shown that there are so many stray dogs that roam in the streets especially in cities. Despite animals having the freedom to exercise their natural behavior, it should not be misinterpreted that this freedom includes loitering in the streets.

Irresponsible ownership

For as long as the local human population allows, stray dogs will be found anywhere, but this should not be the case because there is no single dog that does not have a specific owner., and so the term stray dog shouldn’t even exist. The term should be free roaming dogs. All dogs that end up in the streets are as a result  of various reasons that may include; lack of food, lack of water and abandonment by their owners. If you do not feed and water a dog, it will look for alternative means of getting food and water, due to the strong hunger pangs and thirst they are subjected to.

Problems posed by stray dogs

  • Bites

Dog bites are very common and the may occur if pedestrians cause a disturbance to the dogs either when they are eating, mating or fighting. If these dogs have not been vaccinated, the bites can result to rabies.

  • Noise pollution

Barking causes a lot of disturbance to people. Also, dog fights when mating can also be a nuisance

  • Death

Roaming dogs pose a threat to themselves as they can easily be knocked down by fast moving vehicles

  • Dogs literally poop anywhere and these areas become messy and smelly.
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