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Stop being a nagging pet owner..

An image showing dog vaccinations. Courtesy

We understand the love that we have for our pets whose maintenance sometimes cost an arm and a leg. It is okay to feel that other people are not allowed to touch or come close to your pets. It is your pet anyway. This reminds me of my neighbor back in my estate who always gives kids a side eye, when they attempt to play with her dog, when she is giving her a walk.

What though are the extremes that pet owners go to especially when veterinarians are attending to their fur friends?

  • Restraining a pet should only happen if you are a trained animal restrainer. Pet owners visit the clinic to seek treatment for their animals and end up insisting to restrain the animal themselves when vets are checking the animal for injuries or infections on their bodies. When the vet lets go off their stethoscope, the animal jumps straight up to the vet’s face. If he/she is not quick enough, they may end up getting bitten. We understand the comfort that comes along with petting your furry friend when receiving an injection or things of that sort. But let vets and their work be. Allow trained animal restrainers to let you off the burden of restraining your animals.
  • If you take your dog for treatment and vaccinations, allow the vet to put a muzzle on your dog. Stop saying that it won’t bite. A muzzle isn’t a bad thing after all. We understand how it feels to have your dog restrained right on their nostrils but it creates a safe environment for the vets to perform their tasks.
An image showing a dog with a muzzle. Courtesy of Amazon.com
  • Do not be afraid of sedation. Some pet owners imagine that when their pets are sedated, they might not wake up. Or maybe how much time it will take them to regain consciousness. Maybe the side effects the sedation will have on the patient. Please allow the vets to sedate so as to make more clearer examinations.

Do not be a nagging pet owner!

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