2nd OIE Rinderpest Challenge
Mark your calendar: 15 January – 12 February 2020.
Get ready! Create your account and start training NOW to win the 4-week Challenge!
2020.Even after your help fighting Rinderpest in 2018, the DISEASE IS BACK!
Will you be able to find the source of the outbreak soon enough to avoid rinderpest spreading worldwide? Join an international team of experts. Your journey starts with the investigation of infected animals around the world in order to save the planet from rinderpest. Your mission will take you all over the world to find animals infected with rinderpest virus, as well as assisting laboratory technicians to safely dispose and manage Rinderpest Virus Containing Material (RVCM), with only one goal in mind: find the origin of the rinderpest outbreak and stop it from spreading.
Gather your colleagues, schoolmates and professors. Team up with other contestants from your country to save the world and you may win a trip to Paris. Unity is strength!
Click here to review the Rules of the OIE Rinderpest Challenge
Click here to learn more about the use of personal data.
Click here to download more promotional tools to build your team
Each of the players will receive a certificate signed by the Director General of the OIE.
The winning country will be recognised during the OIE General Session in Paris in May 2020, where the player with the highest score will be invited to attend.
The winner of the Rinderpest Challenge will be announced on 12 February 2020.
Come back to the Rinderpest website as often as needed to keep learning and improving your skills.
Help your country be the world saviour and the winner of this challenge!
Click below to play the game
You can also download the game in your phone or tablet
Veterinarians, veterinary students and faculties, veterinary paraprofessionals, laboratory practitioners and all players in animal health need to join forces in order to ensure that the world remains free from the disease.
Game Scenario
Managing a laboratory
One question remains unanswered: how did a disease once thought to be eradicated suddenly reappears?
You will join a new laboratory, but nobody knows who you are neither what are your true intentions. In fact, you are there to help laboratories manage and dispose of their RVCM in order to avoid the escape of the virus, as well as to find the source of the outbreak.
Handling animal cases
The future of livestock depends on you
Playing the role of a veterinarian, you will join an elite team to contain the rinderpest outbreak at a global scale. In order to do so, you will have to diagnose sick animals and tell apart the ones infected with rinderpest virus.
Purpose of the Rinderpest Challenge
In February 2017, the OIE initiated the development of a new rinderpest awareness campaign. The “Never turn back” campaign is dedicated to assisting the 182 OIE Member Countries in keeping the history and impact of the disease alive in the collective memory.
As part of this campaign, the OIE developed a serious game that aims to help the world remain free from rinderpest, by ensuring that the memory of this disease is still vivid in the new generations of veterinarians and laboratory technicians, even though it has been eradicated and, particularly, that key players in animal health are fully aware of the role that they still have to play in this post-eradication era.
How to play
You will be both in the shoes of a veterinarian and of a laboratory technician.
As a veterinarian, you will have to detect animals infected with rinderpest virus amongst animals suffering from different diseases, on a global scale.
You will have to choose a case on the world map and then make differential diagnoses based on clinical signs, and tests. Once the examination is done, you will make a tentative diagnosis that will be validated. If it is wrong, you will have to take the examination further to find the correct diagnosis.
As a laboratory technician, you will join laboratories around the world to assist them with RVCM management and disposal while trying to unravel the truth concerning the source of the rinderpest outbreak.
Click below to play the game