Every estate has a mutura joint. However, you cannot totally relate  to this if you are from the upper side of town so i’d rather you just pass. 🙂 . A day is coming when i will be speaking about Pizzas at Pizza Hut and Peppinos, burgers, meat pies..you name them. If you are from Eastlands, I know this is your area of interest. I don’t mean to portray Eastlands in a bad light but hey..I know each one of you who hails from these areas has had a taste of the delicious African sausage at one given time.

You can never go wrong putting up a mutura roasting business. The place is always flocked, not only by the common mwananchi but even individuals who own big cars. You will find Prados and Pajeros packed just next to the mutura joint, with the owners escorting the sumptuous mutura with some soup, made from a thorough boiling of bones from Morning to evening.

If you dont understand what this African Mutura is, (am not even sure if it is An African or a Kenyan thing. Us Kenyans are very good at innovations), I will try explain though am not also very sure what it is made of. We all usually assume that it is from cow intestines but I wouldnt be shocked if i found out that i have consumed one from a donkey or even cat.(I wouldnt want to imagine the latter though). The cow intestines are stuffed with minced meat like substance, roasted till they turn golden brown, and that is what we call mutura here in Kenya.

What worries me is the hygiene around these Mutura joints. You will find the mutura guy in his white blackish coat , with sweat trickling down his forehead,  very busy cutting the mutura into small sizes depeding on the amount you have paid for the mutura. Beside the dirty long piece of wood that the mutura is placed is some sort of kachumbari made of tomatoes, onions and a whole clan of pepper. That is what adds flavour to the mutura. The same hand that the guy uses to cut mutura is the same one that handles cash from the customers but since I havent heard any one complain, i bet i can also live with it.

All said and done, mutura is the best and cheapest roasted piece of meat that will never run out of market and that will never make you incur loses whenever, for as long as you choose your audience right. Mutura really sells, I know right. But I dare you to question the Mutura seller where he gets his meat from and come back here loaded with feedback!

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