Home Uncategorized ANIMAL ABUSE IS A CRIME



By Leah Gitau

Animal abuse could also be referred to as animal cruelty or rather causing any form of suffering to an animal, either for a specific achievement be it food, tusks, fur, skin, money and entertainment.

From an animal welfare point of view, there is no wrong in using animals for human purposes such as food, clothing and research but it should be done in a way that doesn’t cause pain and suffering to the animal.

Animal rights activists position

Animal rights activists however are against this position. They insist that animals should not be used as commodities, food or any other purpose meant for human gains. To them, having animals for food is inhumane and people should strive to be vegetarians.

Forms of animal abuse

There are other forms of animal abuse which may include;

  • Bull fighting exhibitions
  • Industrial animal farming i.e. eggs laying hens stuffed in cages which limits their freedom
  • Elephant riding
  • Neglect i.e. lack feeding and watering
  • Use of animals for film making without consent
  • Overworking i.e. donkeys
  • Unnecessary whipping
  • Hunger/ thirst strike
  • Use of animals in circuses

Commonly abused animals

As much as animals are being abused, there are those that are commonly abused. These include;

  • Donkeys
  • Horses
  • Ostriches
  • Elephants
  • Chickens raised for meat and eggs- most abused animals

Legal action against animal abusers

The Kenyan constitution highlights the various acts that can be termed as cruelty to animals. Some of these include matters of transport, slaughter, film making etc. Acts related to animal cruelty are punishable in a court of law.


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