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Another of Our Course Facilitators: Verah Okeyo, Journalist, Writer and Teacher


Verah Okeyo is an award-winning global health and
science reporter. She is the science writer and editor at
the Daily Nation newspaper.

In another life, Verah would be a hard-core scientist
judging by her ability to turn a science writing into an
easy to read piece ,palatable for the general public.

Her journalism leans towards dissecting the Why, What,
Where, Who, When and How of scientific research and
dissertations turning them into splendid headlines.

Verah holds an MSC in global media and
communications from the London School of Economics.
Her insightful reporting about the various strains of
COVID – 19 makes her the best teacher of turning your
science paper into a beautiful story.

And now you have an opportunity to learn with this gogetter, decorated writer and trainer. In this once in a
lifetime CPD Course, Verah will teach you how to
curate an elevator pitch for the press and how to
interest the media to tell your story.

Reserve Your Seat and get ready to take your
career to the next level.


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