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Build Your Vet Brand With a Challenge… And a Free Class!


Hey there!

If you’re working on a veterinary brand, it can be so tricky to do it all alone!

(Nope. You’re not the only one with “what the heck do I post?” panic!)

This week, we’re here to help with a little accountability and a lot of good tips…

…and it’s all FREE!

Click here to get your #VetBrandChallenge workbook, plus an invite to our NEW class, Digital Communication 101.

When you join #Vet1BrandChallenge, we’ll help you:

-Define your dreams so that you can create a business or brand that supports them

-Tackle imposter syndrome, leaving you ready to share the expertise you have with colleagues or pet owners

-Discover simple social media strategies to attract the exact people you want to network with or have as clients

Click here to get your #VetBrandChallenge workbook, plus an invite to our NEW class, Vet Brand 101.

(Psst – there’s even a chance to have us review your social media pages during the Vet Brand 101 class! You don’t want to miss this!)

To your brand building success!

-The AnimalPeople

Join our FREE #VetBrandChallenge before June 5th!

Get a brand workbook & invite to our Digital Communication Class 101, to help you confidently grow your veterinary brand.

Join Now

If you’re looking to build a veterinary business or brand that:

-Supports the veterinary industry and/or pet owner community in a positive way
-Gives you more control over your career and your free time
-Connects you with a community of like-minded women who back you up as you crush your goals

… then AnimalPeople 5 Day #VetBrandChallenge is for you!

Starting on June 08 , we’ll send you 5 days of tips to help you:

  • Define your dreams so that you can create a business or brand that supports them
  • Tackle imposter syndrome, leaving you ready to share the expertise you have with colleagues or pet owners
  • Discover simple social media strategies to attract the exact people you want to network with or have as clients

PLUS… get an exclusive invite to our Digital Communication Class, where we will:

-Discuss the  areas you need to master to build a sustainable veterinary business or brand
-Review a few lucky vets social media accounts  to ensure your posts are on point to help you achieve your goals

Who will help me during the #VetBrandChallenge?

You deserve to be supported by the experts who help guide some of the best brands in vet med!

Is #VetBrandChallenge for me?

At AnimalPeople, we aim to support women doing all sorts of big things with their veterinary careers! Some examples include:

-Aspiring or current practice owners looking to build a brand to attract employees and clients
-Veterinarians looking to create credible pet health information online
-Public speakers, podcasters, and course creators using their brand to build a business that gets them out of the clinic
-Consultants and specialists looking to share their expertise online
-Students or recent grads looking to expand their network to land their dream job

It doesn’t matter where you are in your brand journey. If you’re a veterinary professional and those goals sound even a tiny bit familiar, we’re here to help!


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