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Can I Get Covid -19 From My Pet?


Veterinarians are recommending that you treat your pet just like you would, a human by remaining 1.5 metres away from them.

Don’t snuggle with them, don’t put them up close to your face, wash your hands before and after you interact with them, and just practice good hygiene in general.

We are constantly washing our hands because we know it can be on a surface in your home, it can also be on a pet as well.

If you become infected with COVID-19 another member of your household should care for your pet or you should avoid unnecessary contact with your pets, especially while showing symptoms.

If you are the only one who can care for your pet and you’ve tested positive, wash your hands after touching your animal and if possible wear a face mask.

Veterinarians would also gladly assist in taking care of your animal while you get well.

In times such as now, positive tests in animals would not surprising or concerning based on previous infectious disease behavior in animals and humans.

More research is needed before there is a reliable determination about the transmission between humans and animals.

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