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Commit To Dog Ownership

Courtesy of American Kennel Club

Owning a dog is a joy, privilege, and responsibility. If you consider making a furry friend part of your life, think of the commitment that it entails.

Dogs are similarly like babies. The care and protection that a baby requires is just what a dog requires.

Before deciding that a dog is right for you, make an honest assessment: are you ready for the financial, emotional, and time commitment owning a dog requires?

Taking Care of a dog’s Necessities

Every living thing has its own necessities that are mandatory for its co – existence in a certain environment, and this is not exceptional to dogs. They too have their own needs that their care givers should put into consideration.

Every care giver should commit to meeting their dogs’ basic needs which include; A balanced diet, clean water and proper shelter.

Failure to provision of the above basics leads to a dog leaving its home, and ends up in peri urban centers to fend for itself. This explains why there are so many roaming dogs in markets during the day, especially in garbage sites and on shop corridors during the night, as a result of neglect.

Dog owners should always ensure that they have a schedule on who should be doing what for the dog i.e. Feeding, watering, exercise, clean up and grooming.

Proper Care Can Help Reduce the menace of Roaming Dogs

In every community, you will always encounter roaming dogs. These dogs are there not because they do not have owners but either because of neglect, abandonment or just irresponsible care by their owners.

Dog owners should commit to responsible dog ownership, so as to avoid dogs roaming around all over. As much as dogs have the freedom to express their natural behavior by roaming, it should not be mixed up with letting roam all over the streets. This poses a lot health risks to the public, who are unsure whether the dog is vaccinated against the deadly virus; rabies, or not.

They should always make sure that where the dog is allowed to exercise is securely fenced, so as to avoid dogs loitering in the neighborhoods.

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