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Course Facilitator: Alex Chamwada Dares You to Work With The Media For Visibility


Alex Chamwada will teach you how to package your
story and yourself to the media.

Chamwada is a seasoned journalist and founder of
Chams Media Company. You will know him from the
Daring Abroad series now airing on NTV every Saturday
7:30 PM. He is also the producer of Chamwanda Report
which together with Daring Abroad charmed our
screens on KTN for the past five years.

As the CEO of Chams Media, Chamwada brings to life
untold stories of people and events shaping our
everyday conversations. He works with numerous
organisations teaching them how to sell and package
their stories for the media for visibility.

Known for his astute interviewing skills, Chamwada has
interviewed high profile political figures, former
presidents and even covered the United States
presidential elections. He has sat down with Olusegun
Obasanjo (Nigeria), John Kufuor (Ghana), John Dramani
Mahama (Ghana), the late Mbingu wa Mutharika
(Malawi), Jakaya Mrisho Kikwete (Tanzania), Hassan
Sheikh Mohammed (Somalia), Abdiweli Mohamed Ali
(Puntland) and current President of Uganda Yoweri
Museveni and many others.

And now, in this communication skills course,
Chamwada teaches you how to work with the media for
visibility and profitability. What makes a news story?
How do you approach the media in your locality and
interest them to report about work? What makes news?
Alex Chamwada tells it all in this once in year
communication skills course.

Reserve Your Spot and start your journey to a
thriving career.

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