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Cows Too Experience Emotional Depth..

African farmers preference of exotic breeds to indigenous is to blame for the rapid extinction of the latter which can fully adapt to extreme weather events resulting from global warming.

Humans commonly show withdrawal syndromes when easily agitated by fellow humans or when angry at situations. What most of us do not know is that animals also withdraw because they are sentient beings. Cows specifically are very sensitive animals who withdraw from humans who treat them negatively.

I know you wouldn’t think that beneath the calm exterior you usually see, there is a mass of boiling emotions. You would also not think that there is anything that goes on between the ears of a cow but you are wrong. If you are a cow lover, you will know that cows have emotional depth and that is why they will show mixed reactions during milking, especially swinging their tails on your face during milking.

I once visited the country side and volunteered to be the milk man for the day. What i encountered made me swear never to touch a cow. She decided to use her hind leg to hit me hard, and to add salt to injury, she poured all the milk that everyone had been waiting for to have a sumptuous breakfast of sweet potatoes and thick milk tea.  I couldn’t help but yell at her but all she did was look at me with a black side eye. I walked away helplessly, trying to figure out what i would tell my kin. This was prior to some noise that some kids around had been making as they played with the cow’s tail.

Cows experience and any other animal experience emotions , a change of reactions and we as humans should always be careful how we handle them to avoid such incidents. We should strive to treat them right and be careful not to violate their freedoms. You don’t want to know what happened to me after i made everyone miss their tea on that particular day.

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