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Dogs Love Yummy Food Too


By Afula Ross – 9 years

Let’s talk about dogs.

My dog is called King. He is a strong, burly dog, but very gentle and kind.

Here is how you cook for a dog; first put some water in a pot and boil it. When it’s all boiled, put some dog food and stir. If the mixture seems loose, add some more dog food and continue to stir. Repeat the process until the mixture becomes thick.

Always give your dog the right amount of food. Do not overfeed because this means more stool from the dog. Anyone wants to keep collecting dog stool? Nobody, right?

There are different types of dogs like German shepherd, Bulldog and many more. Dogs are very helpful; for instance, the police use the bloodhounds type of breed to track criminals.

Dogs are very comfortable in their natural habitat. Do not pet a dog without the owner’s consent. Also, avoid petting dogs if they have puppies and whenever they are feeding. Do not put a dog on a leash all day for they are supposed to roam free and exercise just like humans. To skip and hop! Skip and hop!




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