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Fun Facts about Cows

African farmers preference of exotic breeds to indigenous is to blame for the rapid extinction of the latter which can fully adapt to extreme weather events resulting from global warming.
  • Cows are highly social animals- Cows prefer to spend their time together, and some research has even shown that cows have favorite friends and can become stressed when they are separated from one another.
  • Cows love attention – Not only do cows like to socialize with other cows, they also fare better when they are treated well by humans. Researchers have found that if you name a cow and treat her as an individual, she will produce almost 500 pints of milk a year
  • Cows don’t sleep very much – Cows spend 10 to 12 hours a day lying down, but most of that is well-earned relaxation time, not sleep. In fact, an average cow will only sleep about four hours a day.
  • They are a sacred symbol in hindu culture – The animal is considered a sacred symbol of life, and cows in Hindu-majority cultures often roam the streets freely and take part in holiday traditions. In some cases, there are laws to protect cows from harm.
  • Cows are good swimmers – Cows might not seem like they would take to water, but any cowboy could tell you that cattle can swim. In fact, “swimming cattle” across a river is a traditional skill that ranchers and farmers have developed for generations, allowing them to move cows between pastures or even across the country. Even without a farmer herding them, cows will wade into ponds and lakes to cool down and escape from insects in the summer.
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