- Cows are highly social animals- Cows prefer to spend their time together, and some research has even shown that cows have favorite friends and can become stressed when they are separated from one another.
- Cows love attention – Not only do cows like to socialize with other cows, they also fare better when they are treated well by humans. Researchers have found that if you name a cow and treat her as an individual, she will produce almost 500 pints of milk a year
- Cows don’t sleep very much – Cows spend 10 to 12 hours a day lying down, but most of that is well-earned relaxation time, not sleep. In fact, an average cow will only sleep about four hours a day.
- They are a sacred symbol in hindu culture – The animal is considered a sacred symbol of life, and cows in Hindu-majority cultures often roam the streets freely and take part in holiday traditions. In some cases, there are laws to protect cows from harm.
- Cows are good swimmers – Cows might not seem like they would take to water, but any cowboy could tell you that cattle can swim. In fact, “swimming cattle” across a river is a traditional skill that ranchers and farmers have developed for generations, allowing them to move cows between pastures or even across the country. Even without a farmer herding them, cows will wade into ponds and lakes to cool down and escape from insects in the summer.