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Ever imagined how life would be without animals? I wonder if a life without animals would be possible. It would be very difficult for humans to co-exist without animals because of the big roles that animals play in sustaining humans.

This would mean that man wouldnt have any social interactions other than with his own species. Trust me, life would be boring. Humans at times can be a nuisance and all you need is companion from other species and because plants are not able to offer any form of companionship, animals are next to providing it after humans.

Animals are known to have a lot of benefits to all of us starting from the animal products. Are humans actually able to live without animal nutrients? it is close to impossible. The nyama choma, tumbukiza, dry fry, those yummy and fulfilling yoghurts, the spanish omlettes that we all love to have on our plates for breakfast.

What of the pastry lovers? Cakes without milk and eggs? It already tastes yuck! The sweet honey from bees that we all love to apply on loaves of bread, the cheese in pizzas that we all love.

During this cold season, we all want to dress in warm clothing.Where do you think that comes from? Some are made from animal fur, the leather shoes you love to feel comfortable in are made from the Animals’ hides and skins.

Basically, our lives revolve around animals and for this, animals are are very important in balancing of the ecosystem; hence should be well taken care of. I love animals, do you?

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