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Make it a Personal Initiative to save Endangered Animals

An image showing arhino. Courtesy

Extinction is a natural process that would happen with or without humans. But research shows that extinction of the endangered species is happening quicker now than ever before due to human interruptions on wildlife. This hence raises the question, what we can do as humans to save the endangered species?

  • Protect wildlife habitats. Habitat loss is one of the biggest causes of extinction.
  • Educate others. People are more likely to want to save animals if they know about them.
  • Stay away from pesticides and herbicides as they build up in the environment and animals die if they consume high levels of these.
  • Shop ethically. Avoid buying products made from endangered animals, such as rhino horns
  • Be an ethical tourist. Do not visit zoos with animals in unsatisfactory conditions. As a tourist, always ensure to avoid animal cruelty.
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