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Mark is My Hero

cute jack russell dog working on laptop at home. Technology concept.

By Ryan Rumu Otsyula – 11 years

My dog is called Mark. He is four years old. His fur is as white as snow and as fierce as a lion. Mark is also very loyal to me and has green eyes in colour. He is a German shepherd type of breed and likes eating meat. He has a very great sense of smell and can also see very clearly in the dark.

I got Mark when I was seven years old having been given as a gift by my father. I love him so much. As he grew up, I taught him very many tricks and also built him a kennel.

I wash my dog every week. so that he doesn’t get ticks and fleas. I first boil water so my dog doesn’t feel cold. I then add some disi to kill the fleas and ticks. I then ask my father to help me so that the poison doesn’t get into contact with Mark’s eyes and also wear protective gears to protect myself from any harm caused by the chemicals.

I prepare meals for Mark every day by boiling the meat that my father buys, put bread in the soup of the meat so that it can soak then give it to Mark.

One day, Mark helped me catch a rabbit as I had been looking for help to capture it.  I had been trying to grab it but it ran away. Before entering a hole that was nearby, Mark ran as fast as a deer and caught the rabbit. I then took it and put it in the rabbit’s pen.

My dog is very useful because it once caught a thief at night. The thief had jumped over the gate but was caught by Mark and bit him on his leg. He barked so loudly that it awakened us. The police were so thankful that we caught the thief.

Dogs are very useful in every part of the world. They protect our houses from thieves, help the police arrest criminals, help in herding cattle and hunting.

We should take care of dogs because they are useful in every way. My dog is my best friend. I hope you will take care of your dogs.


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