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Meet Our Course Facilitators: Dr. Alubbe: Meet Him in the Communications Skills Course for Animal Industry Professionals


Dr. Alubbe Teaches Writing for Non-Scientists

Dr. Peter Alubbe is a veterinary surgeon, a publisher and a communications professional.

He is  one of the few  Animal Industry Professionals who have used the power of communication to diversify their careers and impact the industry. He holds a Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, a postgraduate diploma in mass communication, a professional diploma in marketing and is completing his MBA.

Peter  is an astute marketor,  photographer and writer. His deep baritone voice will easily win him  a  generous contract as voice artist.

Peter wears many hats; He is a Communications Manager at a local bank and is chief editor of Animal Focus Magazine.

Dr. Alubbe will teach you how to write and communicate with  non- peers and non-scientists.

How do you turn your research piece into a story?  How do you present it to the general public? Dr. Alubbe has the answers.

Reserve Your Spot Here and  start your journey to a thriving career.

Mark The Dates 

22- 25 October 2020

9:00 AM – 11:00 AM

Venue: Online

Charges Ksh 1000

CPD: 20 Points

PayBill Number:


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