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Restriction of Dogs to Avoid Roaming?

An image showing a dog in the rain. Courtesy

For a long time, there has been a debate on whether dogs should be kept in restricted areas in order to avoid roaming, or whether they should be let to roam freely.

Freedom to Express their natural behavior

As it is stipulated in the animal’s act, animals have the right to express their natural behavior, which includes being allowed to move around. How we are able to control them them however, is what that matters.

Some owners tend to release them and forget about bringing them them back to their habitats. Also, when we neglect their basic needs such as food and water, they always end up loitering in the streets, so as to fend for themselves.

The freedom to express natural behavior should therefore not be misinterpreted to letting them roam around aimlessly even when they should be at home, having their needs being taken care of.

Letting them roam uncontrollably

How then can we ensure that they move around responsibly? Despite letting them out to play and exercise, we should be able to control their movements, to ensure that they are brought back home at the right time.

When moving around, they should be under the watch of a care giver or their owner.

Dogs, just like any other animals, are like babies, who can rarely do things on their own. From looking for food, maintaining a clean stay environment, grooming, all these need to be done by the owner, so as to ensure their comfort.

As dog owners, lets ensure that we give them the freedom to roam around responsibly, play, exercise, take care of their basic needs, so that they do not end up in the streets trying to fulfill their basic needs for themselves.

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