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Time is Running Out! Reserve Your Spot Now!


Have you signed up for this year’s Speak to Inspire KVB approved 22-point CPD course?  

You have 4 days to say yes to yourself. To say yes to a life changing CPD course which begins next Monday November 25th.

We have assembled a team of communication experts to teach us how to use media and communication skills to elevate our careers and inspire people.

What you will learn

  • Discover your unique voice
  • Speak like a leader you are
  • Talk to the media with confidence
  • Sell the Sizzle
  • Email Marketing
  • Present like a pro
  • Negotiate your way to Success
  • Use Digital Media to Drive Your Brand
  • Epic Customer Service Self-branding
  • Social Media Management
  • Email marketing
  • You are your spokesperson and so much more

What you will get

  1. You will become part of the global AnimalPeople communicators out to change the industry through communication.
  2. You will join our WhatsApp Community where you will learn and share challenging assignments and connect with fellow course community.
  3. You will get access to our custom-made daily journal where you will track your progress even after the training.
  4. You will get an exclusive certificate of completion from the AnimalPeople magazine.
  5. And yes, you earn your 22 CPD points, enough for the entire year

Have you reserved your seat yet? No? 

Reserve your spot here  


We have limited slots for this course after which the cost will go up.

Your investment is Ksh 3950 for a limited time only.

Pay Now

Paybill Number: 4029939

Account Name: Your name

Once you pay you get the links to join our exclusive WhatsApp and Facebook, AnimalPeople tribe.

Hurry so as not to be left out.

Be Extraordinary,

AnimalPeople Magazine Team

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