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Uganda Wins Global Recognition for Promoting Animal Health


The Uganda Veterinary Association (UVA) was given the 2019 World Veterinary Day award by the World Veterinary Association (WVA) in recognition of its commitment to improve animal health, public health and uplifting the veterinary profession.

The World Veterinary Award, initiated by WVA in 2000, is given to a country that exhibits the highest commitment to organizing and participating in the world veterinary day which is organized worldwide on the last Saturday of April every year. The theme of the 2019 competition was on the value of   vaccination.

In Uganda, the day was celebrated in Buyende District in eastern Uganda.  UVA carried out a number of activities for a week including free vaccination of dogs against rabies, sensitizing the public about the value of vaccinations and promotion of good animal health habits among farmers among other activities.

This was the second consecutive win for Uganda, having also received the first one in 2018 for its participation of the world veterinary day that was hosted in Ntoroko district in western Uganda.  The theme in 2018 was ‘the role of veterinary profession in sustainable development to improve livelihood, food security and safety’.

The 2019 award was handed over to the President of UVA, Dr Baluka Sylvia by the World Veterinary Association councilor for Africa, Dr. Gani Enahoro at the annual UVA symposium and annual general meeting held in November 2019 in Kampala.

Speaking about the achievement to this magazine, Dr Baluka said the organization was committed to ensuring that animal health in Uganda, noting that the activities to mark the world veterinary day portrayed what the association has been doing throughout the years to ensure that public health and the lives of animals is not put in jeopardy.

“Veterinarians have a big role to play in economic development of the country especially in Uganda where agriculture and farming is the main source of livelihood for the majority population. We play our role by sensitizing the public/ farmers on the need to vaccinate animals through radio shows, writing newsletters and carrying out public rallies. I call upon all veterinary practitioners in Uganda and around the world to ensure they carry out their duties with utmost commitment because they hold the safety of millions of people in their hands,” she said.


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