As we strive to end animal cruelty, We first need to understand why people abuse animals.

There are various reasons as to why people mistreat animals. Such include;

  • Selfishness
  • Lack of remorse
  • Sadism of day to day life
  • Lack of knowledge on how best to handle their animals- For example, one may decide to keep a dog behind their back yards and when it rains, the back yard is overwhelmed with floods, and the dog is left with no option but ton swim in the floods. This could happen because the owner lacks information that the pet is supposed to have a proper shelter.
  • Not paying attention/ Ignorance. For instance, you may travel and leave your cat without food and water, just because you did not pay attention that the cat is actually supposed to feed.
  • Some people enjoy violence and if a day goes without having engaged in a violent action with someone, they end up passing the violence to animals.

However, there are certain actions that you can take when you encounter someone abusing an animal. The following are some of the ways you could use to speak on animal cruelty;

Be Responsible! – Don’t let your animal friends roam free. Keep your cats indoors. Dogs should always be on leash and supervised when they’re outside.

Be a Leader – Be kind to animals and others will follow. Let your family, friends, classmates and adults know that hurting animals is not cool.

Volunteer Your Time – You’re never too young to volunteer your time helping animals. Contact your local animal shelter or humane society for junior volunteer programs.

Spread the Word – Share facts and information about the prevention of animal cruelty and responsible pet care with your friends, family, teachers, neighbors and classmates.

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