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What Makes an Animal Happy?


Happiness in animals is mainly based on animals’ playfulness, friendliness, and displays of affection and trust toward their care-givers. Anyone who’s been around a dog wagging its tail or a cat purring contentedly can attest that animals feel happiness.

What then, attributes to a happy animal?

An animal is said to be happy if it is free from;

  • fear
  • stress
  • discomfort
  • pain
  • injury
  • disease
  • hunger and thirst
  • confinement.

All these factors are linked to the five animal freedoms. It is always good to ensure that an animal lives in a proper shelter with adequate space, in a clean/healthy environment and that the animal is properly fed (with balanced feeds) and given clean water.

Having done this, the animal will learn to trust you because it will always associate you with good deeds towards them.

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