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Whats Behind the Cough?


It is very normal for a pet who can sniff 4-6 times daily to have a cough and just like any sick member of your family, your pet deserves a little care until their cough clears.

Whats behind the cough?

Like humans, pets need to get rid of the dust and other foreign particles that they breathe in into their lungs. They also contract viruses and bacteria from surfaces such as dirty furniture, food bowls and toys.

Congestive heart failure – fluids in lungs can cause your pet to start coughing.

Lung Problems – sometimes pets get bronchitis and pneumonia maybe through breathing in cold and dirt.

Fungal infections- these can be picked through the dirt or air. Such include yeast and fungi.

Distemper – this is a type of virus that spreads through the air but can be prevented using a vaccine.

Preventive and Curative measures?

In case of a cough, always ensure that your pet sees a veterinarian. The veterinarian will prescribe antibiotics that are meant to cure the cough.

Colds are easily spread. Ensure that your pet that does not come into contact with other pets in order to prevent him/her from infecting other pets.

You may need take preventive measures that will protect your pet from contracting colds and flus, such as ensuring that your pets get specific vaccines needed to prevent such diseases.



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