Home Uncategorized WILDLIFE CRIME


An image showing rhino horns, courtesy of shutter stock

In states that have a large population of the wild fauna, wildlife crime has become very common.
Wildlife crime refers to acts committed contrary to national laws and regulations intended to protect natural resources and to administer their management and use.

Wildlife crime is very common in Africa at large, because Africa as a continent is known for its wildlife dense. In a country such as Kenya, which is rich in wildlife, you may find a lot of tourists visiting. Many of these visitors are animal lovers, but some just come with their ill motives of wanting to have a share of what we take pride in as a country.

This ill motives may include Poaching elephants for their tusks, tigers for their skins, rhinos for their horns, trophy hunting, game meat hunting and many more.

Growth of human population
As the growth of human population increases, wildlife crime also increases due to reasons such as; demand for sea food, leather goods, medicinal ingredients, textiles. Extreme poverty has also led to people indulging in wildlife crime.

Gaps in cubbing wildlife crime
Wildlife crime continues to increase due to reasons such as corruption, toothless laws, weak judicial systems, and the light sentences given to offenders.
Poachers continue to engage in the crime because after all, only locals are arrested, making it a low risk business with high returns.

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