Home Uncategorized WSAVA webinar to set out latest COVID-19 thinking and advice for vets

WSAVA webinar to set out latest COVID-19 thinking and advice for vets


Courtesy of the Vet Practice Magazine

The World Small Animal Veterinary Association is to host a free webinar for veterinarians globally on Friday 17 April to confirm the latest knowledge on COVID-19 as it relates to companion animals.

Speakers Dr Vanessa Barrs, Professor of Companion Animal Health at the City University of Hong Kong; Dr Michael Lappin, chair of the WSAVA One Health Committee and WSAVA president Dr Shane Ryan will also advise on optimal preventative care during the pandemic and on the important role veterinarians can play in promoting pet welfare and supporting the human-companion animal bond during this difficult time.

The webinar is being kindly supported by WSAVA Diamond Partner, the Purina Institute, and WSAVA Industry Partner, Zoetis.

“The Covid-19 pandemic is causing distress and uncertainty for us all,” Dr Shane Ryan said.

“It also poses a significant and real threat to companion animal welfare, particularly given conflicting media reports as to whether pets can spread the virus. While the situation continues to evolve, we hope that our speakers can bring clarity to all veterinarians so that they can reassure their clients, their co-workers and their communities based on the evidence available.

“We hope our recommendations will also help them to continue to provide the highest standard of care to their patients.”

The webinar will take place at 14.00hrs GMT (10.00hrs (EST); 15.00hrs (London); 22.00hrs (Hong Kong) on Friday April 17, 2020 and will later be available on the WSAVA COVID-19 resource hub.

To register, please visit:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lMCYLATHhzs

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