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Revolutionize the Way You Run Your Practice Through the PCN SMS Marketing System


Did you know that your clients are twice as likely to prefer SMS Marketing to any other communication method?

Recent studies show that 98% of the population open messages sent to them, even surpassing email open rates which stand at 18%.

It is also clear that a client may prefer seeking services from a veterinary practice that sends out text messages as compared to one that doesn’t own one. This is attributed to the convenient one to one connection that the clients get in a way that’s more personal and effective than any other form of advertising.

How can PCN help boost your business through SMS Marketing?

With PCN’s SMS marketing system, you can message your leads and customers, gather reviews and feedback, collect payments, and communicate easily with your team, all from one easy-to-use inbox. By powering all of the interactions that matter most to your business, PCN messaging tools put you miles ahead of your competition.

Purpose built to power your veterinary clinic or any other form of business in the animal industry, the PCN SMS marketing system allows you to:

  1. Win more clients.

Turn online enquires into offline clients by standing out when they’re searching and providing a convenient way to get in touch, no matter where they’re looking for you.


2. Turn clients into Lifelong clients

Answer questions, schedule appointments, and obtain more clients. It’s the best way to create patients for life and turn them into your promoters.

3. Do more as a team.

Don’t just do more – do it together. Connect and collaborate with your team, all from the same platform where you interact with your clients and staff.

It’s no secret. SMS marketing is the new moment in practice communication. It’s make or break. It’s the next big thing. And it’s here!

Ready to start SMS marketing? Let’s tee up a 20minute zoom call for you to connect with PCN SMS marketing experts, where you can take a look at the platform. What time over the next couple of days would work best? Email your responses to lucywanjiku@gmail.com or lucywanjiku@animalpeople.or.ke



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