Home Uncategorized Dog Owners Lack Knowledge On How To Take Care Of Their Dogs

Dog Owners Lack Knowledge On How To Take Care Of Their Dogs



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Dog owners lack knowledge on how to take care of their dogs

85% of dog owners do not know how to provide basic care for their dogs.  Many are not aware of how to feed their dogs or provide basic housing and veterinary needs.  In addition, majority do not know the importance of sterilization and how to deal with dog attacks. A survey by World Animal Protection reveals.

According to the report, 73% of people surveyed said they will vaccinate their dogs and provide health care if the services are available.  The survey found that, 53% of dog owners in Nairobi allow their dogs to roam free especially at night as they believe it is natural behaviour for dogs to roam and enjoy their lives.  

 “This survey points to a significant information gap among dog owners. Something that can only be bridged through active education programmes and aggressive campaigns by the county government and other stakeholders. The biggest challenge will be to raise the level of need and importance to improve the situation for roaming dogs among the wider population and provision of public veterinary services for communities.” Said Dr. Emily Mudoga, Campaign Manager at World Animal Protection.

According to the survey, women are more likely to provide water and seek treatment for their dogs more than men. Women are also more likely to sterilize their female dogs.

The survey was conducted in Nairobi and its environs in September 2018.

For more information about Dog Population Management see our work here: https://www.worldanimalprotection.or.ke/animals-communitiesN

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