Cattle eat dry hay, courtesy of mitchelle republic

Kenya has been experiencing lack of rains for the last few months country wide. Not even did we see the long rains that fall annually during the month of April to August this year.

This caused major panic among st many people who have been eagerly waiting for the rains to quench their land.

The anxious wait by the farmers

Farmers who usually take advantage of this season to till their land and plant their have been left wondering what to do with the land that they already used a lot of money to till using tractors and other hired labour.

Those who had some grains in store are smiling because all they have to do is run to the posho mill and have for example maize grinded to get some flour and prepare some ugali.

The green cover of grass that we are used to has somehow vanished because of the scorching sun and this has left our animals hungry and yearning for the green vegetation they love

Hay farmers however are faced with high demand for this grass because it serves animals well, be it in dry weather or during the rains, for as long as it is well kept.

High prices in the markets

With the hot sun that rarely allows anything to thrive, food prices have risen in the market, leaving the common mwananchi with little choice. I mean, you either buy or go hungry.

It is not any different for animal feeds. Their current price too is anything i do not wish to talk about. Farmers are being forced to dig digger into their pockets, so they are able to meet the high prices they are slapped with in the markets.

Those who cannot afford have had their animals perish, especiially in the far flung areas like Turkana county.

A ray of hope

Slight rains have started to fall across the country and we all cant halp but smile and thank our creator.

We can only hope that this trend will continue so we dont continue to lose any more of our animals, because of this menace called famine.

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