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Before going into the food chain, always ensure that your animal is inspected by a Professional  Veterinarian. This is could be important in avoiding diseases that are transmitted from animals to humans through food.

Slaughter in fear of loss..

Consuming meat not inspected by a veterinarian could give you a direct ticket to Heaven or hell, depending on where you deem fit. Recently, a whole village almost perished in Laikipia after assumingly  consuming a dead cow that was slaughtered by one of the residents. The cow had been slaughtered in fear that it would die and leave the owner at a loss. It had earlier shown signs of throwing its last kicks.

Cheap meat

So without daring to consult with a veterinarian , the owner slaughtered it and hanged it in the granary in his homestead, and advertised it for people to come and buy. Within an hour after advertising, a legion of villagers had flocked his home, wanting to have a share of the cheap meat.

A feast at home

It was definitely going to be a feast in most of the homes, as meat is believed to be as rare as the sun during winter in most remote areas. Little did they know that the slaughtered animal was infected and that the owner had not bothered to call a Vet for inspection. As we speak, some of those people who consumed the meat are still hospitalised, whereas some died while undergoing treatment.

Inspection before and after slaughter

Prior to harvesting, animals should be inspected by a trained veterinarian, before and after slaughter. Inspection before slaughter assists to evaluate if the animal has any noticeable diseases.

During the slaughter processes, the meat could become contaminated with other diseases, that is why the after inspection is highly encouraged.

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