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I Weep for Bonzo


By Ray Munyekenye – 13 years

I love dogs. I remember the day I found Bonzo as if it were yesterday, I found him in a bush, as a small puppy who was as white as snow. I picked him up and took him home and from that day we became best friends. Anytime I was at home he wouldn’t leave my side. He was always eager to play with me. I took him everywhere I went.

When I was asleep at night he would come to my bed and sleep next to my pillow. Whenever I rode my bike or went to play outside, I would take Bonzo with me. Anytime I drank milk he sat patiently and waited until I gave him some.

Over the years Bonzo grew up to become a big and a strong dog. He followed me everywhere except school. In the morning whenever I was leaving for school, Bonzo would follow me all the way to my bus, then go back home and wait eagerly for me to come home. Whenever I came home, I would whistle to Bonzo and he would come running to me at a top speed.

Bonzo was also a very good hunter. Whenever we went to visit my grandparents, we would go into the bush and catch some rabbits which our grandmother cooked and made a delicious stew. We also helped with herding the cows and goats which our grandparents own. I remember one day when a cow kicked Bonzo and I became very worried that he would die but thankfully he survived.

We all lived happily for a long time until Bonzo died. On that fateful day I found him outside lying down motionless. I remember shaking him and when he didn’t move, I burst into tears. Later we buried Bonzo and to this day I haven’t had a friend as faithful as him.

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