Pig farming is one of the lucrative businesses to venture into in Kenya . You can hardly go wrong starting this kind of business since it generates good profits, sustains your livelihood and creates employment opportunities as well.

Good source of income

One pig farmer in Lower Kabete clearly understands what it means to be a pig rearer. Many people perceive pigs as dirty animals but for her, she sees profit makers, economy sustainers and a good source of nutrition. She rears the pigs on her 0.5 acre of land in small scale and makes good money since pigs mature fast and can produce in a span of 115 days. She says that to reduce feeding costs, her pigs feed on almost everything including roughage, kitchen waste, but also incorporates them with processed feeds.

She started the business with a very little investment and over time, she has seen good returns. Her pigs are on high demand as she has ready market. She has been contracted bt Ndumbu-ini slaughter house, which is not very far from where she lives. Once her pigs mature, she finds a transporter, who ferries them to the slaughter house.

Profits from pig dung

She not only makes profits from the sale of the pigs but also from their dung. She uses the pig waste as manure to farm vegetables such as kales and spinach. Since the waste is organic manure, they have thrived so well and this has led to her being contracted by big market brands such as Tuskys supermarket. She is the main supplier of leafy vegetables in this supermarket.

Other than using it to farm, she also sells the dung to other farmers who also use it to farm their crops.

Creation of employment

As this farmer tells this beautiful story, you cannot fail to read the joy in her eyes. She has managed to employ 2 workers on her farm, who help in taking care of the pigs, cultivating the vegetables and assisting in ferrying them to the market. She does this as her full time business and i believe you can also make pig farming your career.

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