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Register for this Digital Communication Skills Master Class and Earn 20 CPD Points


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CPD Points: 20

July 08, 2021 – September 09, 2021

Digital Skills Course for Animal Health Professionals

A CPD Course: Registration Number:


Venue:  Zoom

Time: 6:00PM – 8.00PM Every Thursday

Register Here ( Click on the link to access the Google form) https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1dTnrsZgOH6khyY5m2Qn70-d_x_zeBrxhQ2yyuVIRcxg/edit

Pay bill Number: 4029939 (Pay bill option. For account number, insert your name)

Amount: Ksh. 1999


The Digital Skills Course for Animal Health Professionals is a series of digital skills masterclasses ran by AnimalPeople magazine, as a part of a Continuous Development Programme in conjunction with the Kenya Veterinary Board.   The course is designed for veterinary surgeons, vet doctors and vet- paraprofessionals and ideally anyone in the animal world industry.  The course equips professionals with skills and ability to communicate better among themselves, non-peers and bring visibility to the animal world.

Digital skills are becoming the nerve center of every profession including animal health. To effectively do their work, the animal health professionals must use digital skills authentically and clearly.  This digital skills course will equip animal health practitioners with skills to breakdown science to non-peers. It will also give them the skills to connect and remain engaged digitally with their audience and bring to life the science story to everyday life.  We target 1,500 professionals in the programme.


Who Should Attend?

This CPD, KVB approved digital skills course, is open to professionals working with animals. It is targeted for Veterinary Surgeons, Veterinary doctors and vet paraprofessionals. The course is a continuation for animal professionals to communicate better with the general public, break down science to non- peers and build a digital brand that will alleviate not just the individual but also the entire profession.

The 10-day course will run virtually from 6.00pm-8.00pm every Thursday, for 10 weeks.


AnimalPeople Magazine has assembled a galaxy of speakers from across the world. The speakers will teach, train and inspire the course attendees to use digital skills as a tool to connect, profile and elevate the industry.  We have teachers from the School of Journalism at the University of Nairobi, prolific digital personalities and testimonials from animal profession who have used digital skills to inspire and influence.  We will be revealing full details for our teachers here soonest.

 Course Details


  • Digital Skills and the Future of Work Storytelling in Science
  • Micro-credentials & Digital Badging: The Biggest Opportunity in VET for 2021?
  • Social Media Platforms – What Works Where?
  • Building your personal brand on social media
  • Digital Marketing
  • Sell the Sizzle
  • Introduction to Digital Marketing
  • Self-branding
  • Social Media Management
  • Email marketing

Why choose this course;

  1. KVB approved certificate

Participants will get a KVB approved certificate at the end of the course and earn 20 KVB approved CPD points

2. Exclusive information:

Participants will get exclusive information on digital skills for scientists and what it entails.

3. Raise your Profile:

The course will help raise your public profile. Talking to your online audience is a great way to communicate your research to the public and raises your public profile

4. Draw Public attention:

The course will teach on digital skills that help draw public attention to the subject you are presenting to the general audience.

The information you’ll get:

For sponsors, you will reach over 1500 animal health professionals in our email database and a chance to meet them virtually during the digital skills training.

Other benefits;

  • Present your work to 1500+ professionals in the AnimalPeople database.
  • Broadcast through your work subscribers who consist of the Animal resource professionals
  • Animal People shall prepare a podcast on your topics and promote it on our website
  • Invite more people to join your and champion your work directly on your networks.


Leah Gitau

Mobile no: +254 720 160 590

Email : leahgitau@animalpeole.or.ke

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