An image showing painted donkeys on the streets. Courtesy of Capital Group Limited

Use of animals to express concerns is an issue that is still under debate. We have seen humans getting agitated over certain matters such as bad governance, poor management and corruption, and they end up in the streets demonstrating using animals. You wonder if the message is put across and understood better when they use the animals. These animals suffer at the end of the day because, they may not have been watered or fed before being brought to the streets, and the fatigue they experience is just unbearable.

Pigs’ heads dumped at a hospital

Recently, six pig heads were dumped at the entrance of Kiambu level 5 hospital by a Human rights organization, in demonstrations for poor services at the hospital. The management had been accused of poor leadership and poor service delivery. Patients had also earlier complained that the hospital lacked enough food, drugs and that the general hygiene in the hospital was wanting.

In the recent past, we have also seen cases of activists taking pigs to parliament, to show their discontent in the work of MP’S, popularly dubbed as ”MPigs”. Pigs are known for their feeding nature. They will feed on anything edible and this makes them easily comparable to the Kenyan MP’s who are also known for their gluttony in wanting to have their salaries added for simply warming their leather seats in parliament, leaving the common Mwananchi with heavy taxes to pay.

Painting of donkeys to fight corruption

In the year 2015, activists took to the streets with donkeys to demonstrate against corruption in Kenya. The donkeys had spent the better part of the cold night on Kenyatta avenue, being painted on their backs by unidentified people, who wore masks on their faces. They were painted in red with the words ”Corruption bleeding country”. They had then been tied to metal grills on the famous avenue, limiting their freedom of movement and express their natural behavior. The donkeys were later rescued by the County council of Nairobi officials.

Animal Welfare Point of view

From an animal welfare point of view, animals should not be used by humans to express concerns for one good reason. Humans have the ability to speak but animals don’t. If anything, we are the people to use our voices to speak for the animals and make sure the animals live in comfort. We subject these animals to issues they know nothing of like corruption. Unlike humans, animals know how to exist peacefully without having to invade each other’s space. So the next time you think of using an animal for demonstrations, think about its welfare.

World animal protection, an animal welfare organisation, has been at the forefront at advocating for good animal welfare. They are totally against use of animals for demonstrations. Wait untill they catch up with you using an animal to air your selfish concerns.

For similar works, visit http://www.worldanimalprotection.org



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